McDowell Memo: A Society of Change or a Society of Basic Principles strictly followed Part 2

McDowell Memo: A Society of Change or a Society of Basic Principles strictly followed Part 2 

How do find a way to work through this great divide in logic between Liberal ethical Society centered thought and Conservative moral Personal Thought. There are some similarity in both approaches and both approaches are learned not born with attributes. First, are both concepts widely held or is one more accepted or widely practiced. Lets explore that Conservative thought is based upon Judaism,  Christianity and to some extent Islamic beliefs. These all believe that your sense of right and wrong is given to us through the God of Abraham and is capsulated in the Ten Commandments .Next Conservatism does not allow for change to the basic beliefs of the religion because they are Extreme Being given and are a covenant with god. Many liberals believe in the same method of finding what a basic belief is but that time has demanded that a more current view be applied. So our first tool to improvement is that they are based upon a sense of right and wrong that was given from Abraham. The next similarity is in the belief by both Liberal and Conservative is that all thought is to improve the world not destroy it . This is harder for many to understand what will be the result of a decision made now and maybe not implemented for 25 years say. An example of this was the slavery solution from the first US constitution which was meant to preserve some rights for slaves but in reality institutionalized 
Slavery making it the law of the land and doing grave damage . What differences can we exploit to benefit having an agreed upon school of thought. I have to say I do not find many. But there is a Christian sect that in many ways allows for society to influence decisions. The Society of Friends or Quakers are unique in that they have no Preachers per se and tend to avoid any sense of formal organization or leadership. They are totally anti violence as they will not fight in a war but will go to the war and work in a medial capacity to give to their country. Of which many are very patriotic , several Presidents were raised as Quakers and showed amazing understanding of other countries and religions. You routinely find them protesting unjust political actions but not violently rather as Martin Luther King Jr. did with presence versus violence . It has been said that MLK Jr. patterned his marches after the early marches of Quakers in South Africa. But one must remember they do not approve of any action that violates the ten commandments but they do not condemn the sinner only the sin. I first heard that term used at a state meeting of the Friends in upstate NY where I was delivering a talk on Alternatives to Violence which was there program that had been run in prisons for years and I had as a police officer attended on for the street and saw great results from their methods. 
So do we have some common ground and uncommon ground that could result in having a Society that follows strictly basic principles but also allows for sins to occur and reacts to them instead of condemning the actors. We can keep the faith but work with the present day issues . 

For those of you unaware of the Quakers I am forwarding a brief history 

and a more indepth history 


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