McDowell Memo: The Death of an Era

McDowell Memo: The Death of an Era 

Preston Norton
“It was in that moment that I realized something about human beings: We always care. Even when we don't care, or don't want to care, or we've been broken beyond the capability of caring...
We always do. It's our ultimate infallibility.”
Preston Norton, Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe
Criss Jami
“Growing up, I always had a soldier mentality. As a kid I wanted to be a soldier, a fighter pilot, a covert agent, professions that require a great deal of bravery and risk and putting oneself in grave danger in order to complete the mission. Even though I did not become all those things, and unless my predisposition, in its youngest years, already had me leaning towards them, the interest that was there still shaped my philosophies. To this day I honor risk and sacrifice for the good of others - my views on life and love are heavily influenced by this.”
Criss Jami, Healology
The other side of the coin , the newest generational school of thought

Trevor Carss
“I don't want to grow up, but I know that one day I might have to. There is this inevitability of needing to take care of your family. There is this inevitability of needing to take care of yourself.”
Trevor Carss 

Mateo Sol
“As empaths, one of the quickest ways to completely losing our grounding in reality is by deferring our needs and wants in relationships.”
Mateo Sol, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing

Some where in the middle is it what we really want 

“She said "You are such a warm-hearted person. Such persons are rare these days!"

And he said "Few people care for anyone else these days But you are so caring!”
Avijeet Das

Why do our newest generation look to how everything effects them before caring about others? Well we made them this way . The concept of the me generation and now the me too generation is to take care of yourself first and then you will be able to help others. Well if that were the case there would be no America , no eternal life and no satisfaction in any relationship. The founding fathers did not put their needs desires and concerns ahead of going forward with the great experiment we call America. Nor did Jesus Christ think about how he would suffer before taking on our sins to save us for eternal life. Really until you are willing to give up everything for a person you really have never known true love. 

How do we help them understand by showing the great feeling doing something for no return is and how that is a great way to live. 

Loving God Loving Each Other GVB


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