McDowell Memo: Sept. 5th 2022

 Liberal America is going totally bizerk as it gets more and more apparent that the GOP will have the House back in 2023 They know that there will be investigations into how they and the DOJ and FBI have behaved since Trump won in 2016 They also are seeing some of those media Giants bailing out to save being broken up as illegal trusts. But in the mean time you Joe Biden calling all MAGA voters neo fascists on one day saying he never said it or didn’t mean the next day and then today going right out and repeating the same demagrory today because he thought a big union crowd would love it But, surprise Joe those are the blue collar workers you have hurt the worse with your crazy fiscal programs So don’t be surprised when they cat called you like they did. Those folks are much smarter than you think they know how you have given away huge parts of our economy for China to profit from So folks don’t worry they will continue to attempt to stop Trump from running but you all see through the smoke screen 


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