McDowell Memo: The 4th of July is it still important?

The 4th of July is it still important?
Yes that date will always be important to those that love America. The problem is that our melting pot has turned into a blast furnace destroying many of the underpinnings of our society. Lets look at several of the areas that have changed since I was a boy.

Healthcare- When I was a kid we had a family doctor and rarely if ever went to see a specialist and it was usually after a hospital stay ( your family Doctor took care of you in the hospital too). Prescriptions were written and you took them to the Pharmacy to be filled only if the Doctor didn't have samples on hand to give you. X rays were enormous contraptions and you had to wait for them to develop. Today Americans have some of the best healthcare in the World. 

Economics no country in the world can compete in any market that we really need to control, just ask China and Russia on fuel sales. We still control 90% of the worlds banking and our federal reserves hold many nations stockpiles because our so secure. Why when a country is in need to they turn to us? Because we have values built on the moral fiber of the country. 

Education - Where else in the world can you find anything like the Ivy League schools. No country has a college on Agriculture that hold a candle to Cornell or a management school like the Wharton School of Business. Our kids are reading and writing at 3 and 4 years old , we didn't learn to do that to first grade. 

Technology- How about IBM, Microsoft, Apple, and I could go on and on , who still makes most of the worlds airplanes and the finest ships in the world. So why are we so negative about what we are the best at?

Freedom- No where in the world does any person have more freedom than America. Doubt that go try to enter another country with out papers and sneaking across the border . That's right you would be in prison for a long, long, time. Where can newspapers print anything with out governmental interference  or TV shows openly denigrate the president of the country. Try that any were in South or Latin America, we will see you when your grand kids graduate college. Where does a child get to pick what they want to be when they grow up but in America. Certainly not in China. Why do so many foreign students come here to study and why so many diverse doctors all across the country. Because here your ability and your drive allow you to succeed , not your gene pool. 

With all this in mind lets this Fourth look at the things we do right as a country , they far exceed our negative attributes. And remember when they need help we come do they come to help us? We live our faith and our morality as a country and no matter what party is in control we put is all aside and work to help other countries. President Bill Clinton and President George H.W. Bush getting together to help storm damaged countries and President and Mrs. George W. Bush's work on fighting AIDS in Africa are shining examples of those Million point of  Light. 

Here is an old tape of a broadcast a Canadian did about America and why the rest of the World should acknowledge our caring attitude. 



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