McDowell Memo: Time for a true Code of Conduct for Federal electees and apointees.
Time for a true Code of Conduct for Federal elected and appointed officials After watching the last 3 decades of wasted time and finances in investigating Presidents, etc. and having no real impact on stopping the actions that we felt were injurious to the country. I hereby propose the following items be included in a bill in both houses and signed by the President. The President immediately appointee a special commission to write a formal Code of Conduct for all Federal office candidates , office holders, and All federal appointees. Said Commission will include the following 3 Justices of the Supreme Court, 3 members off Republican and 3 members of the Democratic party from both the House and The Senate The Chairman of the Commission will be the Vice President of the United States, The purpose will be to determine the following What is a High Crime and Misdemeanor What is the time frame in which a person covered by their office is h...