McDowell Memo: We are all mad and we are not going to take it anymore

Interesting Persons from this Past Year

The past year has shown us some very interesting characters appearing in your News shows and congressional hearings. The one thing is that some of these folks should have never given a position that allowed them to appear in public. Lets look at a few

Alexandria Octavio-Cortez 28 , she rose to power in the Democratic Party after being a bartender and running against a long time democratic Congressman . What she did was go way to the left of the sitting congressman and exposed some very wild ideas such as describing herself as a so called Democratic – Socialist, she has called for Medicare for all citizens, free college tuition , $15 minimum wage nationally , the abolition of private prisons, ICE and Border and Customs organizations , She supports an open border with no checkpoints or patrols. She has stated anyone and everyone should be allowed to come here.  Her big idea was her Green Deal which she posted on the internet and then pulled down and was unilaterally dismissed as insane . Here is a discussion on it with her lead advisor on it.  

Peter Strzok who rose to the 3 person in the FBI and was central to the fraudulent memo that was the basis of a false presentation as truthful to the FISA court which got the FBI to investigate Trump for Collusion with Russia when he was a candidate. This guy has lied so much other than to admit to an affair with another DOJ party who planned to keep Trump from becoming President. Here is a back and forth with Rep. Trey Gowdy that shows just how this guy is so messed up.

Trey Gowdy this guy actually showed us that congress could be like watching Perry Mason as he tore up several lying government bureaucrats showing just how blatantly biased they were and how they attempted to do exactly what the Russians were accused of.

Finally we have our Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi , This lady who has not worked in anything other than politics in her life, consistently speaks like some wack a do that you would find on a big city bench drunk and begging for change. Here is what she has said  Cohen has appealed and changed his testimony to show that this was an elaborate plan to get fraudelant testimony and that he tried to save his own family that was being threatened with investigation by the IRS

She has consistently that there is no issue with immigration  that is until video of appeared  that showed the mass increased attempts on the border.

Finally where did they all come from I really can imagine these folks not being normal So hang on How about this 


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