McDowell Memo: Morals vs Ethics and why liberals have problems distinquishing between them

Morals vs Ethics
 Why Liberals have a hard time distinguish between them

morals (plural noun)
1.     a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
"the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"
2.     (morals)
a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
"the corruption of public morals" ·
moral code · code of ethics · moral standards · moral values · principles ·

1.     moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
"medical ethics also enter into the question" ·
moral code · morals · morality · moral stand · moral principles · moral values ·
2.     the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.

principles (plural noun)
1.     a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
"the basic principles of Christianity"
·         (principles)
a rule or belief governing one's personal behavior.
"struggling to be true to their own principles" ·
morals · morality · moral standards · moral values · ethics ·
·         morally correct behavior and attitudes.
"a man of principle"
morals · morality · moral standards · moral values · ethics ·
2.     a general scientific theorem or law that has numerous special applications across a wide field.
3.     a fundamental source or basis of something.
"the first principle of all things was water"

All Definitions from the Bing Dictionary
Basically , Ethics are codes of conduct set by an organization, group or legal body. Where Morals are set by the persons own beliefs .
So the issue for the Liberals they set Ethics as the highest rule and is more important than Morals. Where conservatives set Morals or their own set of beliefs as the highest thing to use. In essence like my Four step decision making process the very first step in any decision is asking ones self is this morally right to do, if not then stop there. Next is it Ethically or Legally the right thing to do ( does it meet the group standards) , then is it technically possible to do this?, and finally is it the right thing at the right time for that individual situation.
Liberals would start out with the legal standard and remove the individual standard totally They feel that the community is better able to set what should occur than the individual.  Example is the abortion debate what is socially acceptable (Abortion)  versus Moral decision that the taking of the life is against the bible and therefore morally unacceptable.  
 Here is a great video explaining the differences:

 Why morality is important from the view of us looking back at our ancestors 
David Phelps "These are They " 


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