McDowell Memo: Leaving a legacy to our children

Leaving a legacy to our children 
What Exactly is a Legacy? 

Legacy | Definition of Legacy at

anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor: the legacy of ancient Rome. an applicant to or student at a school that was attended by his or her parent.

Most of us look at leaving a legacy as a sum of money or a company , etc. But in reality the most importance legacy we live is the set of values, opinions and desires that represent us to them. Such as being a Buffalo Bills fan or liking Dodge Trucks. But the little things such as how you talk to others and how you interact with strangers make for lasting impressions that set the goal or norm for your family and friends . My wife bless her soul was always giving a few bucks to some street people we knew because " they need a smile injection". My kids have always looked out for those folks because Jody set the legacy . Fighting for the underdog is one that is hardest to show but easiest to instill . The first time you go to bat for a friend or relative against the system even if you don't win. Our kids view this as admirable , but let you win one and they are hooked forever in fighting for the underdog. Lets look at our society today if you are minority or illegal immigrant there are people fighting for you rights a great legacy for some. If you are fighting for farmers rights you are much less known but still doing an admirable thing. I think just being always putting God First and everything else second is the best legacy but Jesus did all of the above to teach us that our legacy is his teachings. 

So spend sometime in a storefront church, a hot meal center, a Volunteers of America or Red Cross store. But give to the least of these and get the Legacy started. 

The Issacs 


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