McDowell Memo August 1st, 2022 Why Now?

 Why now because, we have allowed our judgement making to be corrupted by the media, politicians, educators and foreign governments. In our parent's times every almost attended church and were taught moral foundational norms. In our times we strayed from attending church and tried to be part of the scene, we had to be cool. We listened to those influencers above that presented that they knew what all of us thought and needed. So instead of putting our individual moral beliefs first we put society's ethical beliefs first and then our individual morals. To put this clearer a moral is something you find is essential with your relationship with your creator. Ethics are items that you feel or are told society things is essential for everyone. So, we put other persons thoughts ahead of our relationship with the creator. Here is a simple example. Morally we know that sex out of marriage bonds it a sin, but society does not put as high a emphasis on this and in many cases encourages it. Now is the time we have to bring the next generation (our grandkids) back to listening to their inner voices and religious beliefs. Teach then to ignore the media, etc. and be their own people. 

If we don't turn our judgement making methods around someday soon, some dictator will be telling us what to watch, read and think. Just take a day or two and watch the news shows and see how they portray judgements being made. 


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