
Showing posts from 2022

Is this a coincidence?

 Here we go again The Republicans won control of the House this past week. So what is the first press conference they do , they announce two investigations into Hunter Biden Joe Biden and the Biden Family. Now I don’t t disagree that these things need investigation but they didn’t need to announce until they actually had taken over. What did an announcement now do but just make them feel good about themselves. So then Trump announces he is running in 2024. Immediately Biden’s DOJ calls for a special counsel which if they had anything they would have done this long ago. So what was this just another PR ploy to keep the media attacking Trump. No legitimate reason for this and they didn’t even try to deny this.  So what are we as citizens to do ? Stop watching all the talking heads and demand answers to specific questions . Stop letting the mainstream media block out hours of programs for hearings that have no real impact other than politics. And let’s hold the party that is power to make

McDowell Memo: Apathy 11-14-22

 Today we still do not have a resolution to the control of the House of Representatives. Why we all ask America has never had a worse 2 years by any administration. Could it be no one cares or could it be the media makes us think that it is not fixable. We know longer think of America as a blessed by God endeavor but rather a failed social experiment. Everyday or kids are taught that the history we were taught is a lie , when in fact it is like all history the version the winner put forth. But they don’t teach that the version of the losers are not always accurate For instance , when we here about slavery which was terrible we never hear that almost every slave was originally captured into slavery by other African tribes or that Anerrics outlawed slave ships coming a decade before most of the rest of the world but did not outlaw keeping slaves much to our mistake.  So how do we get back to an America we can be proud of?  First we need to agree that history should be taught with both th

McDowell Memo: Sept. 5th 2022

 Liberal America is going totally bizerk as it gets more and more apparent that the GOP will have the House back in 2023 They know that there will be investigations into how they and the DOJ and FBI have behaved since Trump won in 2016 They also are seeing some of those media Giants bailing out to save being broken up as illegal trusts. But in the mean time you Joe Biden calling all MAGA voters neo fascists on one day saying he never said it or didn’t mean the next day and then today going right out and repeating the same demagrory today because he thought a big union crowd would love it But, surprise Joe those are the blue collar workers you have hurt the worse with your crazy fiscal programs So don’t be surprised when they cat called you like they did. Those folks are much smarter than you think they know how you have given away huge parts of our economy for China to profit from So folks don’t worry they will continue to attempt to stop Trump from running but you all see through the

McDowell Memo: August 22nd 2022 Singing is the best medicine

 I have been really dressed the last few weeks and was trying to find a way to settle down. Then it popped right into my head. There was a PBS special on Frankie Valli , as I watched every. Sing I knew the words to and I started to sing along pretty soo all the stress was gone. I was back to the mid 1970”s and nothing else mattered but the song and your girl friend Boy that is so way now but not then.  Here’s a concert from the boys

McDowell Memo: August 18th,2022 Who to follow in the NFL this season?

Who is my Team this year As many of you know I am a  fickle football fan. I grew up as a Baltimore Colts fan with Johnnie Unitas, Raymond Berry, etc. I stayed with them till Don Shula went to Miami and I switched to the Dollphins. I stayed loyal to Mianmi for years. But then for some reason I think it was a mental breakdown I started to cheer for the Jets.  Now a new year and I am torn about who to make my Team. My kids are Cowboy and Bills fans, I don't think I could ever get that stupid.  So Below are the 4 Contenders Send me a message with your suggestion Raiders             - - Packers        Lions Bears

McDowell Memo August 14rh 2022

  In this world today we constantly face stress from so many sources, Is this necessary? I looked at my sources of stress and found that where I learned of the issue was 90 percent of the time from news media. Even on social media it almost every time referenced or linked to a major news site. So then I looked at the reason it caused me stress and found the vast majority of the items were announcing a negative claim. So how do we control this, I am going to eliminate items I don’t have sneed to see and concentrate on positive items as much as possible 

August 13 Memo Power outage on a sunny Saturday who knew 

McDowell Memo: August,6th 2022 Time to look at the simple things Time to stop and smell the roses Life is flying by At supersonic speed, but we are missing the best parts of it. So, let’s take a minute to watch a cloud drift by 

McDowell Memo August 3rd, 2022, The Death of a Legend

 R.I.P. Vin Sculley For 67 years this man showed the nice side of baseball, always a professional. Vince was the person that remained calm and showed the inner side of the game, the personal side. He told us about the men and women of sports, making them human and a part of our lives. Other than Mark Twain no one ever conveyed the essence of America better than he. He talked about the struggles, the victories and impact on the peoplle listening. He was truly a GREAT MAN.  

McDowell Memo August 1st, 2022 Why Now?

  Why now because, we have allowed our judgement making to be corrupted by the media, politicians, educators and foreign governments. In our parent's times every almost attended church and were taught moral foundational norms. In our times we strayed from attending church and tried to be part of the scene, we had to be cool. We listened to those influencers above that presented that they knew what all of us thought and needed. So instead of putting our individual moral beliefs first we put  society's ethical beliefs first and then our individual morals. To put this clearer a moral is something you find is essential with your relationship with your creator. Ethics are items that you feel or are told society things is essential for everyone. So, we put other persons thoughts ahead of our relationship with the creator. Here is a simple example. Morally we know that sex out of marriage bonds it a sin, but society does not put as high a emphasis on this and in many cases encourages
McDowell Memo  July 29th, 2022 Our Farmers in Peril Today it appeared as a news item that our farmland is being purchased by Chinese businesses as a method to control our agricultural economic viability, We are seeing a President that we know has family ties to Chinese businesses in the past, allowing this to occur. When do we say enough is enough?  Hunter Bidens illegal dealings with the Chinese government-controlled parties are documented by his laptop and bank suspicious activity reports. This should be enough for Congress to open hearings into Hunter and Joe Bidens previous activities and whether those activities had compromised the President's ability to control the agricultural rape of our farmers.  Take a minute today and contact your Senator and Congressional Representative to ask for a congressional investigation and public hearings.  Tucker Carlson: While China buys up American farmland, we may run out of food | Fox News Ron DeSantis calls out 'huge problem' of Ch