McDowell Memo: O Boy I am Entitled to What?

Hey Guys I was listening to the tv the other day and Senator Erastus Schumer was pontificating on what all these immigrants were going to get for they all get to be citizens. First they get free medical including Dental and vision coverage, They get vision coverage that lets them gets contacts . They also have a program that gives then no deductible , RX and medical insurance. If you are on Medicaid or Medicare discounts on Housing , preferential application status , Now you get none of that.

Federally Subsidized Housing Units   / Rent Controlled      Privately Owned

Avg. 3 bedroom      $1200 /mo. all incl.       $ 775                  $1800 Plus Utilities

NOW For College your kids go for free      That includes with State and Federal  programs no tuition cost , room and board, books, housing allotments for food, and entertainment  and ability to get Federal Education Aid Loans.
Okay how many of these things does my grandkid get with no process ZERO
Only student loans  are highly possible.
So Senator why can a person who came into the country illegally committing a crime be given rewards and preference in admissions , classes, etc. Then does  Grandson who has done everything he was told to do and lived a life with out penalized for doing the right thing . Or is it Senator Schumer Racism   yes that terrible word but if changed the persons involved foe each other you would have lead the lynch mob calling Racism. So stop talking  and listen to how stupid you all sound. If you continue with this race based campaign you will lose by record number . Most of America does not want any type of preferential treatment of anyone for anything.


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