McDowell Memo: Discussion: What would you do if you had a store in Ferguson ,MO ?

McDowell Memo: 
 Today we are going to discuss a breaking incident in the press. As you have seen Ferguson Missouri has had racial type riots and looting most of the weekend, I want you to think about what you would do if you were the regional or divisional manager of a company such as Family Dollar that has been attacked and partially looted or an adjoining national company to this location.
Do you send in security and try to guard your property? If so should they be armed? Do you just write off what happens and claim the loss? Do you remove as much merchandise as possible, secure the building as well as possible? 
Lets look at the message each sends to the community.
First sending in security personnel does two things, it shows that you do not trust the local patronage to do the right thing. Plus it puts your employees at risk and should one be hurt could you justify the injury with any amount of merchandise. 
Next, let's think about whether armed guards would be the right thing. I know my first reaction would be to do this and save MY property. But, the loss of life potential is there and one life lost would be more than any saving could justify.
Here is what I feel the best answer is but it also has some bad sides. I would during day light hours close the store and remove as much merchandise as practical. I would board up the store and install remote view cameras to record any issues that do occur. This keeps your merchandise as safe as possible. But it also sends the message that you do not care for the local patron as you are not there to provide them merchandise. Also, many large retailers have in the past simply closed and not reopened due to the potential for loss. But, this tells the locals that you are punishing them for the acts of the rioters. Of course many of the rioters as in this case are not local people. 
Bottom Line; You have to be responsible to both the stockholders and to the community. If you close and run away you are hurting the local patron. But you have to protect the investment of your company and the lives of your employees. 
I would I think do the following: I would close the store and remove the merchandise , running a full page ad telling my customers where the nearest store is and encouraging them to use this store during the incident. I would also in the ad promise that as soon as it was safe , I would be reopening the store and urge the customers to come back to us. I would make sure that I had adequate camera coverage and if anything should happen, I would make sure that we press charges to the fullest.

This is a tragedy but most of the stores that have been looted are not responsible for any issues involved , they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. When will we learn not to hurt the person who is on your own side. 
What to you think please send me a comment or an e-mail at


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