The McDowell Memo: What a year it has been

What a Year it has Been

This year has been a year of great accomplishments and great disasters     
We have had the greatest economic year in the past 50 years . Lowest unemployment , over a trillion dollars back into the US in profit earned over seas that companies would not bring back because of our high tax on these profits. That made for the highest investment in the US by our companies since the 60s. With this jobs became available and people went back to work , the welfare rolls dropped . 
But we also had a year long session of investigations, hearings and finally an impeachment that wasn't yet ready to send to the Senate all of which caused the average American to lose confidence in our government as a whole in following the rule of law and be fair and consistent in it's actions. We saw violent acts committed by insane parties and also by violent fringes of both the left and right. But , we again saw the media portray many items with out telling the whole picture. We learned that the FBI , our most trusted part of government had become politically biased. 

We must stop the bickering back and forth and work to ensure that our constitution is followed as the framers wrote it and that what the rules are we stay with them or change them when we are not engaged in an ongoing impeachment movement. Finally, we stop chasing Christianity out of government but put its ideals back into our laws and our lives. We need to ensure that we have a strong military but one that is fair to those in it. Finally we need to make our media outlets be accountable for their bias and lack of fair and consistent coverage. 

Hope you all have a great New Years and a truly fantastic coming Year.


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