The McDowell Memo: The Speed of a life may not be the Quality of Life we want

The Speed of a life may not be the Quality of Life we want

I set tonight thinking about how when I was young I had so much free time to hunt, date, read, and yes sleep. Today we are awakened early each day to be able to get our "Face" on as they say. Today we have special body wash soap with fragrances , when I was young Gramma insisted on Borax soup better described as smell with sandpaper. It would take off all the dead skin and four or five layers of live skin. Ladies there was no need to defoliate. But you know my skin was a lot better then and I felt cleaner. For your hair you had what ever was on sale. No blow dryers or fancy hair machines there was a comb and Brylcream gel to slick it all down. Then for Breakfast you had a sit down with the folks and eggs and bacon and toast , no breakfast sandwiches made in a microwave they didn't exist, no bagels we didn't know what they were. You walked to school and stood in line at the door. Once in school , teachers were always "Yes Mam" and No Sir, and you never argued with a teacher or you would go to the Principal and he would tell you to bend over the desk and you got the paddle and then when you went home your parents would also punish you . So you never did anything that would get you in trouble , you waited till the last bell and out the door and then you raised hell on the way home. There was no computers or Ipads or other junk to entertain you . You had to do your homework and head out the door no matter the weather, to play with your friends, until Mom yelled dinner then you would race home because if Mom had to call you more than once you were in trouble. After supper, out to play in the street till the street lights came on and it was time to get home. A bath and off to watch TV if you had one many of us didn't till later for one show and then to bed. 
For your mom and dad it was a simpler but not easier life, they had to make sure they had a job and that the house or apartment you lived for was paid each month and the electric and heat , food on the table, If the family had a car that had to be paid. Most of your clothes came from rummage sales or friends of your family whose kids had out grown them. Except at the start of school you would get a new outfit and new shoes or sneakers. Christmas and Birthdays were tough on the parents as they usually had to work a second job or make something to sell. Today kids expect huge birthdays and Christmas presents so out come the credit cards and you pay back twice what the cost was. Every house has 2 cars at huge payments and also sort of extras in the house. 
Would it not be nice to only have 4 or 5 bills a month to keep track of and pay? 

Life goes by so fast you never get to stop and enjoy the times with your families. Take the time you can't get it back
Mac Davis 



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