A Changing World

Ever wonder why things today are not like they were when we were kids? There are no more hills to slide our sleds down , somebody owns them and they have signs no sledding allowed. No more ponds that you could just go jump in , we didn't know who owned it , it was wet and that is all we cared about. Why do people today have to always limit kids , I would wander my town all the why getting to meet new folks and having simple fun wherever I could find it. I could ride my bike around and around on the tracks at the school and parks, imagining a great trip somewhere. I learned to entertain myself and learned to dream . I think being able to dream is the essence of being a kid. It is where we start our plans for our life. But today kids are stuck in houses afraid to come out and play, they have to be watched by us "Nervous Nelly" adults . We stop them from doing things for fear they will get hurt , forgetting we did much worse when we were their age. They are kept in school and then in after-school care as Mom and Daddy have to work long hours to make a living. Then they go home and sit in front of a computer or television just to go to bed without any great adventures to think about . I ask my grand sons what they did in school and it's always the same nothing. Why because they don't get to have adventures , to take chances , to be a kid. It is that way with every kid today. We have stolen there greatest gift. We have taken away there lack of fear and made them little adults.
I know we have more hazards today or at least we know about them. But , I think our biggest hazard is us. We have to allow these kids to grow , what will happen if they are afraid of everything when they get to be adults. We tell them you can't ever fight at school, so bullies abound . Some of the best friends I ever had were people I had a fight with and we were friends when it was over. I never carried any animosity to anybody as a kid , because we would fight it out and then it was over , never to come up again. Today they are mad for weeks because they can't get resolution.
So folks , lets try something when the weather finally breaks this year , through the kids outside and let them build a fort, skip a stone , pick flowers , go bike riding , but give them freedom to be a kid.
Let's let them have accidents and failures , they will be okay and no we will not have a heart attack, we will have a real live kid in our house.


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