Comments, Thoughts and year end Ramblings

As my consistent readers know I have been not keeping up with my blogs well this past 2-3 months. It has been a very trying and stressful school semester and personally I had started to lose my ability to stay positive. Well I am back and I am going to cover a bunch of things here and hope you can hang on. Remember please comment and comment often.

What is up with all this talk of racial differences being the cause of loss of life . I guess I must be old school stupid but I don't get the race part of it. First you have a young punk that strong arms a store and when confronted jumps the officer in the car. What difference is his color ( the suspect or the officer). It's a punk being arrested. If the officer went overboard judge it on the merits not the racial "issue". Then we have Cops in NYC trying to arrest someone for selling a single cigarette. Was the cigarette black? The cops were mixed from what I saw and what difference would it make if the defendant is white or black? The use of force for such a stupid offense was over the top but pushed by government that has to have it's taxes paid.
Then we have officers beaten during these ridiculous excuses for a protest march and the two cops executed by the gang member from Baltimore. Both of those officers were minorities. Except Cops aren't judged by color rather by actions and this makes them all "BLUE" . You see this is the classic rage against the establishment by anarchists . And that my friends is what they are anarchists , they want a reason to loot and kill , they feel safest in the void of no law. So why are we listening to these talking heads and not calling it what it is an Anarchist issue.

Now let's talk about our President and his actions in the last few weeks. First the President represents all the people of this country and should take all people into consideration when making comments about ongoing criminal matters. First he should not comment second if he comments he should walk the middle of the road. I used to think it was a lack of knowledge or ability but in fact he has recently proved that he enjoys that most liberal of actions riots. Instead of trying to calm the situation his comments were more encouragement than anything to the rioters. Then when 2 officers are shot he goes on vacation without commenting. This sends a message that police don't count in America.
I guess he is hoping for Anarchy to reign, I don't know why unless it feels safer to him than the truth.

But out of all of this has risen the vast American Majority those quiet people that go to work every day and pay their taxes and liven within the laws. Nixon named them the Silent Majority and he was right when finally pushed to action they quickly galvanize and start to take back their America. You can here it in the stores and restaurants around the country . They have had it and they are tired of all the drama and giving into second rate countries. Beware America over the next 3-4 years will come roaring back and will take back it's place in the world and some will have a terrible price to pay for their actions against her. Every time I think the old girl is done she shows me a new side of her greatness. Thank You America I believe in you.

Charley Daniels Simple Man


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