Where it all starts : Hiring for Success

Where do you begin building a successful company? It is most times with the first and every hiring you do after that. Why is it so important to hire the right person? First , you are trusting your success, life, reputation, and finances to this person. They can not only impact you but every other employee and your family and their families. A bad hire can haunt you in several ways and we will discuss all of those and how to handle that later this month. A good hire can make your life easier , save you time, make you money and just make the world a better place. What goes into hiring a great person?
  • You need a large pool of candidates with the appropriate education and experience
  • You need a legally appropriate interviewing process and application
  • You need a team of interviewers that stick to the process but ask the right questions and get the right answers
  • You need a decision maker for each hire that will look at that person as a reflection of themselves
  • You need a competitive wage and the ability for the candidate to improve themselves within the company
How do you get a great pool of candidates
  • Go to competitors look for good workers and find a way to approach them
  • Use the State Employment Services
  • Use College placement offices
  • Advertise in the type of media that your target employee would be looking ( for instance hiring an engineer out of a Penny saver ad is not a smart move) Use business journals, 
  • Use the Internet in particular Linkedin 
How do you get a legally appropriate application and hiring process
  • This is one of the few times I would suggest using a well respected consultant company , let them with your input set this up for you
  • If you can not afford a consultant contact SCORE ( Service Corps of Retired Executives) they will provide you with invaluable assistance on this part of the program
  • Copy a competitor go in and apply see what they use and how they do the hiring
How do you get the right people interviewing and asking the right questions
  • Only use experienced managers for interviewing 
  • Make sure they know what you are looking for in a candidate and how to ask legal questions
  • Take their advice if they feel strongly about a candidate negative or positive it is usually the right way to go
How do get the right decision maker in place and make them feel responsible for the hire
  • The hiring of the upper management team will always be your responsibility and you need to have someone in those jobs that fits all the needs. Remember you are responsible for hiring them. 
  • Explain the hiring process in depth and make them see how a good or bad hire will impact your view of them.
How do I know what is a competitive wage and a way for a person to rise in the company
  • Again send someone out to the competition see what they are paying for the various positions
  • Set up a training program that allows for growth and try to whenever possible to promote from within and then celebrate that promotion extravagantly and tell every one that the person came from within. 
These are the basics to hiring , remember it is the number one cause of successes and failures.

Have a great week !!!


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