
Showing posts from May, 2019

McDowell Memo: Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves I think every one has them things that set you into the stratosphere. It might be a minor thing such as chewing with ones mouth open to using a credit card for a one dollar item in the grocery store line, speaking of grocery stores how about the Nimrod that brings 40 items in to the 20 item speedy checkout and then wants them to check 5 of the items prices on the floor.  My dad had some unusual ones that he would get downright inventively evil in trying to stop. For instance my brother would always put his shoes on the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms after falling a couple of times and not getting my brother to listen He said I'll help you I'll put a nail in that will keep your shoes up out of the way. That night my brother put his shoes in the same place as always . When Brother awoke he saw his shoes on the wall neat and nice. He went down and tried to take them down but Dad had had the last laughed He had nailed the sneaker to the wall with a spike. We ha

McDowell Memo: The Legal Profession

The Legal Profession: What Happened  In the past few years we have seen a change in the way attorney act and are beheld by the community. I am not an attorney but I have many friends and some relatives that are it is not an easy life.. Attorneys are judged on results as are most of the world but results in a courtroom have many factors that are beyond the facts.  Attorneys must keep the Judge happy with them, they must maintain a good rapport with the court support staff or they will always be the last case of the day and no time to give a good presentation. So we should cut them some slack . But the problem is we are punching out attorneys at an alarming rate. Law School grads are inhabiting every nook and cranny of all businesses. The problem with that is they are taught to be a result driven rather than merit driven persons. They only see the result and not the validity of the actions to get there. An example of this was an attorney that I worked with on a project where we co

McDowell Memo: Why is the Economy doing so well?

Government over regulation has cost the American taxpayer and average citizens Billions in lost income over the last 20 years . President Trump simply by doing away with 67 regulations has saved $8.1 Billion dollars from the useable income of businesses and consumers.  For instance the Tip Pooling Rule that allowed companies to take all tips and pay the workers an average amount no matter what service they had provided and also allowed the owner of the business to participate in this and also to keep a small handling fee. When this was done away with it makes it so that the person gets what they actually earned. I have always questioned the reasoning for this rule as it punished hard work.  The Consumer Financial Protection bureau rule that allowed for mandatory arbitration. This had been repealed and kept consumers from filing class action suits against groups  Obama's order to stop the transfer of military surplus to Police and Governments free of charge. Trump has reinstat