
Showing posts from January, 2015

The importance of Education in today's America

Back in class for the Spring semester and thinking about what we are teaching our young folks. When I was a kid the teaching always was about learning to learn and memorizing the facts as we knew them at that time. Today it is about learning to question all facts and what technology does to help you find the "truth". The problem I have is someone designed the technology and inputted what was the "truth". We don't know if they had an agenda or if they were even drunk when they did it. But if Google says it's so it's so. Today we are teaching that Jefferson was a racist slave owner, but not that he was a true renaissance man or that his purchase of land made the America we know today. We teach all about the frailties of our leaders and do not stress the strong points. Education has turned to the negative view point instead of being a positive attitude about most things. We stress English in all studies and make sure we can write well , but we don't str