
Showing posts from September, 2014

Where it all starts : Hiring for Success

Where do you begin building a successful company? It is most times with the first and every hiring you do after that. Why is it so important to hire the right person? First , you are trusting your success, life, reputation, and finances to this person. They can not only impact you but every other employee and your family and their families. A bad hire can haunt you in several ways and we will discuss all of those and how to handle that later this month. A good hire can make your life easier , save you time, make you money and just make the world a better place. What goes into hiring a great person? You need a large pool of candidates with the appropriate education and experience You need a legally appropriate interviewing process and application You need a team of interviewers that stick to the process but ask the right questions and get the right answers You need a decision maker for each hire that will look at that person as a reflection of themselves You need a competitive wag