
Showing posts from August, 2015


How many of us have spent this summer hurrying from place to place , event to event, and felt wore out by the time it's Tuesday each week. I know I suffer from this type of summer schedule.So this morning I sat down to right the "Memo" and thought what is it that I liked the best about summer time in my past. Well first there was swimming in the lake and just laying by the pool. Then there was spending time on a simple picnic with the kids. There was reading a book at Stewart Park while the kids played. And lastly was going to an outdoor concert from a local band . What of those had I done absolutely none. Why that darn schedule. I realized summer is God's time for us to unwind and enjoy what he has given us. Time to stop and smell the roses, time to watch that bird in the backyard, time to find out what you really think about things. So my plan for the rest of the summer is to everyday take 2 hours and do something relaxing, I am going to read a book or two, go swimm